Writings (click to view):
'Critical Genealogy, Comprehension, and Explanation in Leibniz's Critique of Bayle on Cosmic Dualism' (2024)
'Strategy, Pyrrhonian scepticism, and the allure of Madness' - with Sofia Jeppsson (forthcoming, 2024)
'"Pyrrhonism" as a Therapeutic Response to the Allure of Mania' (2024)
'MadPeople's Coping Mechanisms' (2024)
'Dialogues on Disability': Interview with Shelley Tremain at Biopolitical Philosophy (II) (2024)
'Waiting for Autism' - a series of blog posts about my diagnostic journey (2021-23):
Part 1 - Early Thoughts (2021)
Part 2 - My Initial Screening (2021)
Part 3 - Assessment Week (2023)
Part 4 - Assessment and Diagnosis (2023)
'Leibniz's Petite Fable and His Justification for the Thesis That This Is the Best of All Possible Worlds.' (2023)
'Leibniz's Philosophical Dream of Rational and Intuitive Enlightenment.' (2022)
'Paul Lodge on Philosophy and Music' interview with Andreas Matthias at Daily Philosophy (2022)
'Leibniz's Philosophy as a Way of Life?' (2020)
'The Theodicy.' (2020)
'What Is It Like to Be Manic?' (2020)
'Dialogues on Disability': Interview with Shelley Tremain at Biopolitical Philosophy. (2020)
'Leibniz on the "Justification" for the Principle of Sufficient Reason (Mainly) in the Correspondence with Clarke.' (2018)
'Eternal Punishment, Universal Salvation and Pragmatic Theology in Leibniz.' (2017)
'True and False Mysticism in Leibniz.' (2015)
'Theodicy, Metaphysics and Metaphilosophy in Leibniz.' (2015)
Older publications:
Please see my page on Academia.edu